Friday, July 11, 2008

Photography Skills- or not??

Background- So I have to take summer P.E because it WON"T FIT IN MY SCHEDULE, not because I'm a loser and failed p.e or anything. And for summer p.e I have to get my heart rate into a certain "zone"(135-180 to be specific) for 20 minutes 5 days a week. It's not fun .

SO yesterday I really didn't want to do it- finally i got myself all dressed and stuff- BUT my hair looked cute- why is it that I can only get a cute ponytail when I'm about to go run so it falls down and gets sweaty and I have to shower it away?? Then i decided I needed a picture of my ponytail and then I decided my bare feet needed featuring... and truly I was inspired and maybe a little jealous of this girls amazing talent at photography and it looked like just about anything else. so here is my pictures of me not working out...
my barefooted foot... and my lovely huskies gym shorts Me- still no evidence of the cute ponytail- it didn't picture well after all. My trusty Polar HRM( for all of you who aren't up to date on summer P.e talk thats heart rate monitor)
And on a random note- I made this in clay when I was in yearbook and it was the last stalling picture I took yesterday.

Then I actually went and ran...

I almost got a tatoo this weekend... kinda. I still want to, just got to get up the nerve.

1 comment:

emily anderson said...

a tattoo?!?
you crazy girl!

and i'm on the first book (twilight).
and i know i'm addicted already...i hear ya about having to lock it away if you want to get anything else done...we are reading another book for our small group, and i get all crabby when i have to sit down and read that...instead of twilight!
it's an epidemic i tell ya!

Just a little bit about me

My life as a Baking Student at the Culinary Institute of America :)