Sunday, August 17, 2008

how many licks?

I think my friend Courtney actually remembers the answer to that, but i don't. I don't even really like lolly pops, only when my throat is really sore, like sore enough that I want it to get better, cuz I usually like the idea of being sick. Oh well.
I made these jars of lolly pops covered with bandana/ fabric for my little sisters, i'm gonna try to get over to the middle school tommorrow(sounds weird that I'm at the high school, and that i can kind of drive myself over there) and stick these lovelie in their lockers. Maybe P.E lockers because i don't want to look like a stalker asking for their schedules, but i know my old P.E teacher wouldn't mind.
Speaking of p.e, i start back up again tomorrow, happy day.
Well, its been a fast weekend, as they all are, and i'm ready to not be a sophomore anymore. haha sophoMORE anyMORE, funny. I don't like being the one who doesn't know where anything is or how anything works.
hmmm. I told you i would tell you my salt philosophy, and i still intend to, but not right now,i havent cooked in like 2 days,so its not on my mind. I'm rambling now, so g'night.

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Just a little bit about me

My life as a Baking Student at the Culinary Institute of America :)