Wednesday, August 13, 2008

As American as...

Apple Pie! Since I made my brother a carrot cake before he left, I thought I would make an apple pie when he got back. I loosely followed my great aunts recipe, which I thought was kinda fun, here is mine/hers.

Apple Pie

2 cups flour
1t salt
1 cup shortening
1/4 cup water

6 granny smith apples, peeled cored and sliced (a peeler, corere slicer is useful for this =)
1/2 cup cane sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup butter
2T flour
ummm 4T ish of cinnamin, so 1/4 c

pre heat oven to 400
sift together flour and salt in a medium bowl and then cut in shortening with a pastry blender. Toss water in with a fork until it combines into a ball. Roll into 2 disks about an inch bigger than your pan on all sides.
Cut butter into cubes and add to a large bowl with apples and remaining ingredients. Place in pie plate on top of one disk, then place the other on top in a lattice design, or cut it into whatever you want, or leave it plain with some air vents.
Bake with a jelly roll pan on the shelf below for 40 minutes.
Enjoy =)

Even though i don't think I enlightened you with our pools recent black sewagieness, I thought its current bluism deserved some attention. It turned out some friendly black alagaes had decided to move in and they were really comfy, so the eviction was a bit difficult, but today it is blue!!

Dinner last night was fantastic, as always=) we had some pretty awesome conversations that helped me understand a few things quite a bit better. Plus i think i may have saved enough of my pasta to frittate it tommorrow for lunch, yipee!

Then i got to go to the farmers market today, and find lots of lovely fresh things that i can feel better eating, because I know a little better where they came from, and straight fromt there I went and hung out with some awesome kiddos, always fun to watch them play together. And very soonly I get to go get mon frere from the airport and go out for some mexican and then see if i make it to youth group for a bit.

And tomorrow i unfortunately get to go listen to people talk about high school all day, then friday I actually start it, ugh! SO i suppose that means i seriously aren't five anymore... oh well i guess.

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Just a little bit about me

My life as a Baking Student at the Culinary Institute of America :)